Day 24–Rain, Rain and More rain
The first day of spring and it was … raining. The tour guides cooked up a storm for us last night and we were hoping for some sun today but alas it was not to be. It was the worst … Continued
The first day of spring and it was … raining. The tour guides cooked up a storm for us last night and we were hoping for some sun today but alas it was not to be. It was the worst … Continued
It’s been raining for 2 days. The kind of rain that’s quite annoying. It rains a bit, stops. You think you’re good and go outside for it to start up again. The sun decided to peek through the clouds late … Continued
Today was a bit miserable – cold, overcast and threatening to rain. After the morning feed we gave the servals some new hay for their beds. Each group inspected the new bed for approval. Ubuntu and Upendu decdided they weren’t … Continued
Thursday was showery so didn’t really take any photos so combining posts. After the morning feed we took advantage of the gorgeous light with Diesel. He was a bit too playful so we didn’t stay long. We moved onto Ola … Continued
This morning we were left to prep and feed the cheetahs by ourselves. Must say they are way scarier when they are hungry and you’re the one having to toss the chicken to them. After our chores Diesel was looking … Continued
Up for a 7am start. Cut, powder and feed the cheetahs and prep meat for the other cats for the afternoon. Done… Bit of a break till 9am..where we go an clean the enclosures which is fairly easy when these … Continued
We didn’t need to be in Port Elizabeth till midday so it meant we could take our time or sleep in this morning. We chose to leave the park slowly, through the park. Up early for a drive just after … Continued
Early morning today to go on a game drive. We opted to pay someone to drive us around as 6am is the best time of day to see and be able to photograph animals and they get access to parts … Continued
Another decent day of driving to Addo Elephant National Park. With our permit we get a park map and a bingo card (also known as a species guide). Don’t think I want to fill this card as I would leave … Continued
Today was a massively busy day of animals. First we were up bright and early to seem some wild meerkats with Meerket Adventrues. You’re taken to a property just after sunrise (bit later in winter) and have a welcome cuppa … Continued
We left Cape Town today and drove to Oudtshoorn. It was 5 or so hours of driving through some pretty countryside. We found a nice morning tea stop at the Rambling Rose – awesome food. We had a few hours … Continued
This morning we got a bit of a “sleep in” as we were getting picked up at 9;30 to go for a cycle along the Cape Town Coast. After being stuck in the car for a week and off the … Continued
Another early morning (I know…there’s a pattern developing here) as we fly to Cape Town today. We’re on a teeny tiny plane (which freaks me out) – an Embraer but at least it has jets rather then propellers. So small … Continued
Today we had a 550k drive ahead of us and had to decide whether to leave early or do a few hours in the park and pay for another day permit. We’d only really missed the cheetah (which we’ll get … Continued
As we’re already inside the park gates it means we can actually be at the waterholes for good light. Their definition of “sunrise” means there’s been some light for 45 mins before we’re allowed out (I think it’s mainly so … Continued
Another early morning and off to Etosha again. We leave our lodge to spend the next 2 nights inside the park. Today we’re exploring the Halali area on our way to the other side where our accommodation at Namutoni awaits … Continued
Our first morning in Etosha and we had a fairly smooth run through the gate. We headed to Nebrownie waterhole. We spent an hour or so there. There were a few ostriches, a few impala and some jackal. We shifted … Continued
Today was another big day of driving – 500+ km to Etosha. Fortunately it was a tarred road for a lot of the way. The roads have a 120 km/hr speed limit which also helps get you there a bit … Continued
It was our last night in the dunes and we had some spare time so John played around with some longer exposure shots of the stars. Milky Way looks so cool out here with no lights to drown out the … Continued
We had another cool sunset this evening and even resisted the temptation to go onto the road and do a few donuts to kick up some dust to make the sun look even cooler. Fairly early to bed as I … Continued
Another early start so we can get to the gate at Sesriem for opening. It’s about 45 min drive from our accommodation and boy is it dusty this morning. All you can see is a line of dust as everyone … Continued
Today was another massive travel day. Up early to catch the shuttle bus to the airport and off to Windhoek. That all went well until we boarded the plane and sat there…and sat there…and finally they announced 35 passengers had … Continued
This morning was a massive travel day. We were up at 4am to get to the airport for a flight from Brisbane to Sydney. Had a few hours to kill in Sydney so we found a nice bluetooth speaker incase … Continued
We’re doing a bit of travelling over the next month. We’ll be visiting Namibia and parts of South Africa. If you’re in the Johannesburg area, we’ll be presenting all things NUI – including Kinect of course. So pop in and … Continued
So today was the most AWESOME day! When I first saw the videos of HoloLens early this year I knew I HAD to come to Build to see it. I was so fortunate to be able to attend the Holographic … Continued
Another event near and dear to my heart – Imagine Cup. I’ve been involved with the competition since 2010 and I can truly say it never ceases to put a smile on my face. This year I was one of … Continued
I can’t believe it’s already a year since the launch of the Tech Girls are Superheroes book! To mark the anniversary and International Womens’ Day I headed off to QUT with Jewella and Cybele with a bunch of Year 11 … Continued
Today I had the privilege of working with a bunch of high school IT teachers around the state for the day. The goal of the day was to show them some Java Script to get them inspired. We started with … Continued
Saturday the 6th of December we held our 4th DDDBrisbane event. Each year we have grown the number of attendees and this year we had to step up to bigger rooms. The morning started early getting everything in place, ready … Continued
While I was on holidays with no internet braving some big ocean waves some really awesome stuff happened with Kinect For Windows – V2 was officially released – go download it from here! But that’s not all the exciting news…. … Continued