Day 9–Namutoni region of Etosha

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As we’re already inside the park gates it means we can actually be at the waterholes for good light. Their definition of “sunrise” means there’s been some light for 45 mins before we’re allowed out (I think it’s mainly so the paid game drives get the best light).


We head to Chudop which is a nicer looking waterhole which has a carpark fairly close to it. There’s not much here. We sit and wait. We’re ready to try somewhere else where they appear in the distance – a herd of elephant moving at pace towards the waterhole.


They come down for a drink but are soon scared off by a hyena – new animal for us today. The hyena has a drink and wanders around and another appears before they both take off.

We try another waterhole and spot a Rhino in the bushes – he’s not moving so we continue on to– Kalkheuwel – nothing.


Then down to Ngobib. There’s not a lot here either but a few zebra close to the road.


We take a side road detour out and see some small dik-diks. They’re tiny antelope with tiny horns.


We head back to Chudop and see a few giraffe on the way.

We hit Chudop and nothing. We wait and see some elephant in the tree line but they’re hesitant. We wait. A bunch of other vehicles arrive and pull up around us…thanks…not going to be easy to shift in a hurry for us now.


The antelope are running around and some are fighting now and then.


More vehicles arrive (for what I’m not sure) and now we’re parked in 3 cars deep…great…these elephants had better not charge us.


Finally the elephants come out of the tree line and down to the waterhole. Our patience and early postioning had paid off as we’re in a really good spot.


We head off and do the mini pan loop of Fisher’s pan at Twee trees and Aroe near the camp. See absolutely nothing.  The only slightly interesting thing we spot are these birds. They’re quite big – larger than a peacock.


Head back to the camp and make use of our fridge – the first fridge we’ve had all week and have some cereal. We’ve been carting milk, cereal and ice freezing blocks all week and haven’t been able to use them until now. I almost squealed with joy when I saw it yesterday. As everywhere seems to serve a buffet for lunch and dinner it gets a bit much so it’s nice to have something a bit more simple to eat.

The call of the nanna nap is too much – it’s the perfect drain every ounce of energy in your body temperature and have a snooze for the afternoon.