Fri 4 – Thai cooking course.
Today we learn how to cook. We get picked up and taken to the cooking school. We are joined by 2 Brittish boys. So after choosing the dishes we want to eat, our instructor takes us to the market to … Continued
Today we learn how to cook. We get picked up and taken to the cooking school. We are joined by 2 Brittish boys. So after choosing the dishes we want to eat, our instructor takes us to the market to … Continued
So we try to sleep in, but someone calls us like 6 times at 5am..grr. We pack up our stuff, have a late breakfast, grab out stuff from the safe, jump on the internet and check out. Our “limo driver” … Continued
So we skip out on Bangkok and stay in Ayuttaya tonight. We have some dinner and about 8:20pm we wander out to grab a tuk-tuk to take us to the temples to take some night pics. The driver tells us … Continued
Michelle and Ewa recommended going to Lop buri – 1 hr north on the train from Ayutthaya. I love monkies so off we went. We’re running late for the 8:37 train and there’s no tuk-tuk in sight. We arrive at … Continued
After the excitement of a new baby elephant last night everyone slept in. So with nobody in sight I did a bit of a wander around the camp. It’s raining today so the day spot for the elephants has turned … Continued
We get some news that one of the mother’s could give birth tonight! It could be soon…or hours. John and I decide to stay up and wait. It’s not too long (not sure if it was just before or after … Continued
The director of Elephant Stay also owns a boat the cruises up the river in Ayutthaya. Tonight we are priveleged to be invited to go to dinner on the boat. So we all pile into 2 cars and head off. … Continued
Here at Elephant Stay the have had 9 babies in 2 years…now that’s a lot of little elephants. They’ve currently got a 2 week old and a 1 day old. The 2 week old is getting quite boisterous and runs … Continued
Joe from Aussie Dog toys has come to ElephantStay to fit some elephant shoes. Odd you might think…but elephants need their feet protected too. The slight complication is the elephant whose shoes need to be fitted is in musk and … Continued
Today was the start of our 3 day elephant experience at elephantstay. So for 3 days we get to look after – ride, scrub, wash, feed, walk etc. our own elephant (we’re sharing one which works out well as one … Continued
So we get a cab to the train station and a quick lesson on how to prounouce Ayutthaya. Helpful person #3 tells us where to go to buy the ticket and what platform to go to. Our train tickets are … Continued
So we get up pretty early cause at 7am it feels like 10am and pack up our stuff ready to stash our bags for the day. Go to put my Bangkok Lonely Planet in my shoulder bag and can’t find … Continued
So we arrived at the airport just over 3hrs early in hope of securing ourselves a decent seat. When we found Thai airways we were met with a very long queue and came to the realisation that we were probably … Continued
My gen3 Ipod has served me well on many a long plane trip across the world or within Australia but after several years the battery has lost it lifespan. I had simply assumed it would spend the rest of it … Continued
Ok..couldn’t help myself…we did a dash to the Gold Coast to grab me a new 70-200 f4L IS lens for the trip. It’s really light and really sharp. Took a quick snap of the dog at ISO800 and still very … Continued
We just came back from a weekend in Canberra where i took the opportunity to take some pics in the little spare time we had. As the Sunday was very grey it showed up lots of “spots” in the some … Continued
For anyone who cares…we’re off to Thailand for 2 weeks on Friday. When and if we get to and internet cafe or two we’ll be posting our adventrues here…so stay tuned. Our itinery is posted earlier here. If you’re only … Continued
In preparation for our recent presentation on Virtual Earth I made a few “backup videos” of the demos we were going to show. We’ve tried a few different screen capture tools before and most of them seemed to kill your pc … Continued
We did our presentation of Virtual Earth for Scalable Applications last night. John spoke tirelessly for 1.5 hours and we only had a few minor glitches and even had an internet connection so we didn’t need the “backup video demos” … Continued
Video: The 10min Map
We just got back from Age of User Experience Brisbane session. It was great to see an event in Brisbane. Overall, I found the session disappointing..felt like it hadn’t been properly prepared and parts of it seemed like it hadn’t … Continued
Just sitting here looking at my injuries from my “fun” activities for the week…and realised how we simply accept them and think no more of it. If i got the same injuries at work…would I be so forgiving…don’t think so… I … Continued
Trip To Thailand – Plans for far Date Details 27 April Flight: Thai Airways TG984 Depart Brisbane 15:20 Arrive Bangkok 21:40 Hotel: Trang Hotel Bangkok 99/1 Wisutkasart Road Bangkok 10200 +66 228114023 28 April Walking Tour pg 116 Wat … Continued
The other day I wrote about my new toy – LED tap light and promised some pics. So here it is…isn’t it cool . Unfortunatly, it’s probably a water wasting device…since you just look for an excuse to use the … Continued
I signed up for Cluster Maps the other day and put it on our blog page. Ever since I seem to find myself checking on the progress of the little dots each day, to see if they’ve changed and grown. … Continued
With Version 5 of Virtual Earth unoffically released as part of the upgrade of I have had a quick look at the performance and it is great news! Compression has been enabled for not only V5 but also V4 … Continued
Today the VE team released an update to Virtual Earth and have converted to the new version. Of particular interest is the support of 3D in Firefox, until now it was IE only. On the VE side the new features of … Continued
With mixed emoticons I opened an email from today, here we go I thought, someone is having an april fools day prank, but as I read the email, clicked on the link, agreed to the NDA and received my MSDN … Continued
Yes camera phones take pretty aweful photos but i stumbled onto a cool 1/3 effect on the JASJAM while scrabling to take a photo of Darren mountain biking today. The setting merges 3 quick photos into a single long one … Continued
Picked myself up one of these from Think Geek. Fitting that goes on the end of a tap that lights up when water goes through it…and temperature sensitive to give red / blue light. Was a bit worried about the … Continued