If we worked as hard as we played…

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BronwenWeeGo.jpgJust sitting here looking at my injuries from my “fun” activities for the week…and realised how we simply accept them and think no more of it.  If i got the same injuries at work…would I be so forgiving…don’t think so…

I played soccer and got my toes stomped on with studs at least 2ce in that game.  It hurt, I expressed my pain and went on playing and now look at the big black bruise on my toe and think “that’s why it hurt so much”.  Now if I was at work and a co-worker stepped on my toe in a stilleto shoe, there’s no way they’d be just walking off and me say…”ouch” and go back to work.

When I played volleyball this week I ended up getting a very nice egg on my head from being below a team-mate up at the net blocking, then coming down and smashing their elbow into my head, and apparantly kneeing me and stomping my foot.  I don’t remember the other bits…was too busy trying not to pass out.  After that I was seeing green dots and it’s been painful brushing my hair where the lump is.  After the injury i went into the hall to get some fresh air for about 5 mins and went back and played another couple of sets.  Now if I was at work, and a co-worker lifted something off the shelf and somehow managed to whack me that hard in the head with their elbow…I’m pretty sure I’d be going home to rest for the afternoon.

I’m sure in some environments any injury like that would involve workplace health and safety, doctor’s certificates and probably compo.  Funny how we just accept it when it’s for “fun” hey?