Signing Up For Databricks Free Trial

posted in: Databricks | 2

If you’re wanting to try any of the newer features like Databricks Assistant – you’re not going to be able to use Community Edition. We found that out in the previous post here.

Your next cheapest option is to sign up to the 14 day free trial.

To get started head over to the main Databricks page and press the red Try Databricks button


Fill in your details


On the next page you are going to have to make a choice between cloud providers. I’m fortunate to have Azure Credits as part of my Microsoft MVP/RD benefits so all my examples will be using Azure


Then we “Continue to Azure Databricks”


From here you will set up your chosen resource group, workspace etc. Many of the new Databricks features are only available in the US regions. For me, this means not picking my usual Australian region favourite and picking something in the US.


Once these resources are fully deployed you can find them in Azure and choose Launch Workspace


Once here you can tell the difference between Community edition with the title Microsoft Azure and there are now a lot of new menu options and features open to you. Keep an eye on the trial count-down and your Azure resource group/spend from now.


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