We’ve turned 500!

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This marks our 500th blog post since 6th August 2006! So to mark our 500th blog birthday, here’s a recap and figures for our last 100 blog post days!

We’ve seen a lot more interest in Silverlight Streaming and Silverlight with Virtual Earth.


Top 5 posts:

  1. How to turn off Sticky Keys
  2. Silverlight DeepZoom Sample Code
  3. Silverlight Virtual Earth, Part 2 MultiscaleTileSource
  4. Silverlight DeepZoom Sample Code Part 2
  5. Silverlight Virtual Earth, Part 1 using DeepZoom – Sample


Top 5 searches:

  1. sticky keys
  2. silverlight
  3. soul solutions
  4. list<t>.find
  5. orderby linq xml


Top 5 referrers:

  1. forums.microsoft.com
  2. deepzoom.soulclients.com
  3. blogs.msdn.com
  4. viawindowslive.com
  5. hanselman.com


Top 5 articles:

  1. IM Control and Presence Intro
  2. Your Video to Silverlight Streaming 101
  3. Clustering Virtual Earth Part 2
  4. Virtual Earth 5 Custom Info Box
  5. Encoding for Performance


Top 3 pages:

  1. http://www.soulsolutions.com.au/
  2. http://www.soulsolutions.com.au/Blog.aspx
  3. http://www.soulsolutions.com.au/Projects.aspx


Top 5 visiting countries:

  1. United States
  2. Australia
  3. United Kingdom
  4. India
  5. Canada