VE workshop and a conference paper in Montreal

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BronwenWeeGo.jpgWe’re heading off to Montreal this weekend, to attend the Museums and Web Conference.  John has been going for a few years now, usually presenting on content managment, but this year he’s presenting a paper: Using the Microsoft Virtual Earth API to provide Geographical Access to Cultural Heritage and doing a half day workshop: Exploring the National Gallery of Australia online database for prints and printmaking spatially.  So I’m going along to help him out a bit with the workshop. I’ve armed myself with art paper and texters to keep the crowd amused and bring out some creative talent in our group activity.

Workshop Details:

Exploring the National Gallery of Australia online database for prints and printmaking spatially  

Online mapping is hot. The interface of maps provides an engaging mechanism to explore objects spatially, that is, view an object at its location on the earth. This paper explores the practical use of online mapping technologies at to provide an intuitive and engaging experience for the exploration of extensive collections at low cost to the institution. The National Gallery of Australia provides an online database for prints and printmaking in the Australian region –