Soul Solutions Site Revamp

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Soul Solutions Home Page One of the things we wanted to achieve over the Xmas break was to revamp our website. Our basic site we’d put together rather quickly over 2 years ago and was looking very tired. We made a conscious effort to invest the time and money to get a fresh, new look. After spending the last few days on re-skinning we’ve released our first cut. We’ve got lots of little things left along with lots of content and ways to improve the site.

ssprojectsWe’ve upgraded to the latest version of DotNetNuke and added a bunch of modules to improve the look and usability of our site. One of my favourite changes is the Projects Page. It gives project overview and a range of screenshots as well as a tag cloud to help with navigation.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the new design. Do you think it’s better than what we had? What are we missing?