Photosynth natively on Bing Maps Silverlight

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We the release of Silverlight3 I thought I would share this skunk works project I have been working on. We have the Photosynth Silverlight control running inside our Silverlight3 application. We pull all the geo-referenced synths and display them on a Bing Maps CTP Silverlight control. You will see two types of icons, the big ones are clusters with many synth, zoom in till you get a smaller leaf, click on this to load the synth using some Silverlight3 magic.



So go and explore all the public synths throughout the world! My favourites are:

  • Pyramids at Giza
  • Machu Pichu Peru
  • London Eye
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Statue of Liberty


Let me know what you think of the more integrated experience and how you think Photosynth should be better integrated spatially.

What are your favourite locations?