Online food shopping…yes please

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BronwenWeeGo.jpgI absolutely hate shopping..especially for clothes and grocery shopping.  There’s always lots of people, dodgy shopping carts, and queues at the checkout.  I’m always much happier if i can search for stuff i want and buy it online without having to battle the shopping centres.  Was looking for the supermarket opening hours the other day and came across this.

Woohoo…thought i could save myself much pain every week but unfortunatly for me, homeshop isn’t in my area  yet….

I don’t think the site is quite there yet…it has a link to recipes, always handy when you want to eat food for the week, but no way to “add ingredients to cart”..whcih is a bit of a shame.  It does however allow you to add stuff from previous orders which would be good if you buy pretty much the same stuff every week.

They also have “quick llists” which is a starter trolley based on a cateory e.g. one person house hold

I think i’d like to see it as a group of “favourites”…so i can easiy order in meal lots for food, and then other lists for the other household items.

Anyway..i think it would be great to order my food online and just get it delivered, so i signed up for notification of when it’s in my area.  Anyone out there actually use it atm?