I am excited to announce my appointment as a Microsoft Regional Director.
If you travel in Microsoft community circles many of the names here will be familiar to you. This is a 2-year non-remunerated position and I’m really looking forward to the conversations that this opportunity will bring. I have so many ideas buzzing around my head already.

To find out a bit more about the program you can look here but a good summary is:
The Regional Director Program provides Microsoft leaders with the customer insights and real-world voices it needs to continue empowering developers and IT professionals with the world’s most innovative and impactful tools, services, and solutions.
Established in 1993, the program consists of 160 of the world’s top technology visionaries chosen specifically for their proven cross-platform expertise, community leadership, and commitment to business results. You will typically find Regional Directors keynoting at top industry events, leading community groups and local initiatives, running technology-focused companies, or consulting on and implementing the latest breakthrough within a multinational corporation.