How to fix ipod stuck on “Do not disconnect”

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BronwenWeeGo.jpgSo i’ve gone and knocked my ipod cable out when it was connected to the pc…when it has the “Do not diconnect” message on.  Normally this is ok..but on this occasion it was busted.  Tried replugging in and everything i could think of…was starting to think i’d have to wait for it to run outta power.  Then i discovered how to reset the video ipod:

1.Toggle the Hold switch on and off i.e. slide it to Hold, then turn it off again

2. Hold down the Play/Pause and Menu buttons at the same time until the logo re-appears.

For me step 2 took about 20 seconds..which is a really long time when you think you’ve busted your ipod for good.  But it did eventually come back to life.