DeepEarth and NearMap

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As many of you probably know the open source, super smooth, DeepEarth Map control supports the very cool NearMap imagery content for Australia. You know, the first imagery provider in the world to fly every capital city in Australia every month and publish that data live on the web within about 2 weeks in full resolution! (tiny exception is we’ve had so much rain that taking photos recently has been pretty hard for the NearMap team). You can create your own Silverlight powered map control for your application using the DeepEarth control and your favourite Silverlight (.Net) developer. Just point them to or we’d be more then happy to help.


We have a demo site for you to check it out at but this site is only a demo, go checkout the washing you had on the line two weeks ago. Who is that parked in your driveway last month? Wow that tree has grown over the last 6 months, and look they built a Bridge…

We have to move the demo site from time to time as we’re getting way too many hits. If you like the control why not grab a copy and put it in your application. Government and commercial users can contact NearMap for great value-for-money licensing, personal users and many businesses can use it for free, best to check with NearMap:

Did you know that DeepEarth 2011 supports 3D hardware acceleration and Windows Phone 7 support? Stay tuned for more.

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