Day 5–To the Coast

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It was our last night in the dunes and we had some spare time so John played around with some longer exposure shots of the stars. Milky Way looks so cool out here with no lights to drown out the stars.


It was a 300k drive today to the coast and apparently you aren’t allowed to have any fun.


On the sign theme we also passed the Tropic of Capricorn (and actually stopped to car momentarily to take the pic).


The landscape changed quite dramatically and we did pull over to stretch our legs and take a couple of snaps.


There really was just a lot of very flat landscape, with very straight gravel roads.


Once we reached the coast the temperature dropped dramatically. It might be the end of shorts for me. Damn dessert spoilt me with its warmth. The coast was not particularly interesting. It was overcast, cold and a grey sky. We’ve stocked up on drinks and snacks to take us through the next few days.

Tomorrow we drive back inland – NE to Etosha – 500ks of mainly gravel roads.

Our internet will be a lot patchier so might be a few more days before we post again.