Day 22 Westpoint and Grave Cove

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This morning we headed to Westpoint. After a bit of a hike up the hill we scabbed a lift in the caretaker’s Jeep. After a short walk we arrived at a massive Albatross colony on a massive cliff. We headed up over the ridge but my gumboots, steep cliff and insane wind against my camera sash that quickly became a  massive sail made me turn around. John persevered however to get nice and close.


I had a bit of a chat with the caretaker who was very friendly. They’ve been there for 2 years. The owner had lived on the island his whole life up until 2 years ago. The place is pretty desolate with a supply ship coming every 2 months. No medical unless you want to pay for a very expensive helicopter visit.

The caretaker and his wife had spent 30 years on their little sailing shop – Wanderer 2 for 30 years around the world – with 2 of them spent in South Georgia.

Could not escape the wind so I had a nice walk back to the landing spot and sat in a more sheltered spot.


In the afternoon we headed back to Grave Cove to get more pictures of penguins landing on the beach.


Remember we’re dealing with people who are trying to get amazing pictures. Some can be pretty pedantic and like tor groom the beach for their shots.


As the light grew dimmer it was time to go back to the ship.