Running ASP1.1 and 2.0 on the same server
In our rush to deploy our new site we hit the problem of how to run ASP 1.1 and ASP 2.0 sites on the same web server. Of course, at first we got a “Server Is Unavailable” error and quickly … Continued
In our rush to deploy our new site we hit the problem of how to run ASP 1.1 and ASP 2.0 sites on the same web server. Of course, at first we got a “Server Is Unavailable” error and quickly … Continued
I must say I was disappointed in the variety of questions asked in the census. Wasn’t feeling like the census wasn’t really aimed at me. There was one question about transport and that only related to how you get to work and … Continued
After discovering I could complete my census form online, I was happy for both me (I hate filling out forms) and the people who have to read my scrawl. So I log in and fill out the form and get … Continued
After we revamped our site and added a blog we decided to join Tech Talk Blogs. So just thought we’d say hello to everyone.
A little suprise you may run into with .NET (particularly if your dealing with monetary amounts) is that the .NET rounding uses roundng-to-nearest (bankers rounding). This rounds off to the nearest even number. For example: 5.15 -> 5.2 5.25 -> … Continued
A long time coming, soul solution’s new site is up. Thanks go to Bronwen for her commitment to get the site revamped. I hope you all like it!
After almost a whole day of fiddling, we’ve revamped our site and added a blogging modue so we can have one spot to put all of our thoughts and rants.