1 year ago today I left the safety and security of full time, working for someone else employment, and joined John working for Soul Solutions.
I have really enjoyed it so far. Even though you essentially work for someone else (on contract or to deliver a project). It is cool to build up your own company identity and not have to worry about gettig approval for every little thing you want to do, or say on the website etc. I definatly feel more in control of what I’m doing and where i concentrate my effort. Plus you’re your own “boss” so you get rid of the whole performance management, bonus, pay, direction issues.
A lot has happened in the last year…
- We revamped the website and started blogging and putting up articles here which has seen a steady flow of readers etc.
- I could decide to go to Tech Ed without begging and pleading and then being refused cause after all my persuasion they thought it was a good idea but sent someone else.
- John was awarded an MVP
- We did a user group presentation on Virtual Earth
- We’re working with clients from many different countries
And of course it hasn’t been without it’s challenges…
- I’ve had to learn how to use MYOB (evil beast that it is)
- Learning to deal with recruiters and selection criteria when looking for contract work
- Learning to deal with not having a set amount of money flowing into your bank account every day.
- And of course dealing with clients that don’t pay their bills. This is by far the WORST part of having your own company and a very time consuming and frustrating process if you actually want to recover money.
The next year is looking exciting…
- Going to Remix end of the month
- Hopfully visit some clients in July
- Off to TechEd in August
- Some interesting projects and ventures on the horizon.