9-10 March – DC to Cairo

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After a good sleep-in and a leisurely morning we headed to the airport for the next leg of our journey – Egypt.  This consisted of 2 flights: DC->Frankfurt and Frankfurt->Cairo on Lufthansa. The first was quite painful as there was no in-seat entertainment and much less legroom than previous flights. It really makes the journey seem so much longer. The 2nd leg we weren’t seated together so were a bit concerned about how full the flight would be.

Once in Frankfurt we attempted to get re-seated together only to find the flight is oversold and they were after volunteers to go via Munich. While the 400 Euros was tempting, memories of our night stranded in Chicago last year made us think twice.

After getting to Cairo, picking up our Visa and cash at the bank before customs we were quickly bombarded by people wanting to drive us to our hotel. We succumbed and finally paid way too much for a cab to our hotel.  We crashed hard that afternoon with plans to get up early for our train to Alexandria.

My first impression of Cairo is it’s much more modern, less crazy traffic, newer cars etc than Peru.  There’s also multiple satellite dishes on top of every building.


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