Serialization issues with datetime in infopath to sql2005

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BronwenWeeGo.jpgBeen having some “issues” trying to serialize datetime fields from infopath to SQL2005.  The problem lies in the serialization expects a fully qualified datetime value including locale e.g. 2006-09-20T01:56:45+10:00.  However, Infopath, and XML in general doesn’t record the local e.g. 2006-09-20T01:56:45

So after doing some searching i came across the adjust-dateTime-to-timezone function for xsl V2.0.  So to change a datetime to a sql2005 date do the following:

<xsl:value-of select=”adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(ns1:formUpdateDate)“/>

Which works great until you use the .net XslCompiledTransform class.  Unfortunatly it only supports V1.0 so doesn’t recognise the adjust-dateTime-to-timezone.

So my dodge workaround for the moment is to add the timezone onto the end “manually”.  When I work out a better way to do this, i’ll write it up.