Sat 19 Mar-Free day in Johannesburg

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Today we had a full day free in Johannesburg. In my true holiday style, I have a head cold, so I spent the day in bed trying to shake it. John ventured out with Dave from DPE Microsoft for the day. He’d torn up his knees at handball about a week before we left and they were really starting to heal and a quick slip in the wet today opened up one of them again.

I started to get a bit hungry all by myself at the hotel and wasn’t game to do the 3 min walk to some local food places by myself in the rain. I’m still not quite sure where it is and isn’t ok to wander around by yourself. Big gates with barbed wired on-top don’t help my confidence. So I got really lazy and opted to get something delivered to the hotel. I found these guys delivered for free and got to the last step of the online form before giving up because i didn’t have a South African mobile number Sad smile. So I had to resort to calling via Skype and hope they understood my very stuffy Australian accent for my order and address. Was very happy to see it arrive 30 mins later.


So tomorrow we leave our comfy hotel and venture back to the airport with the hire car and fly out to Harare. We may go dark for a bit as I’m not sure how reliable and often the internet access will be.

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