H and I’s

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Busy tourist day today. As it’s the weekend a lot of tourists come through for tours. So there were heaps of people, kids and strollers around the place. We were on ABC’s today and they had some minor flooding with an overflow pipe that comes through their enclosure coming apart.


The nursery babies are the H and I’s who are about 5 weeks old. These guys get fed a special formula and fed more regularly than the other cubs. They usually come out on the lawn area at 5pm each afternoon to have a run around on the grass before their evening feed before bed time.




Hendrix – who is much bigger – a male, from and originally from a litter of 2 and very red in coat colour.




Illucki and Indiana – 2 days younger – female and originally from a litter of 4.


Indiana has a bit of a different personality to the rest of the cubs. She doesn’t like to get picked up or lay on you but she does like to sleep right up next to you. She’s been a bit unwell the last few days so has lots of extra attention. She has a very tiny face but lots of energy to run around.


When they are little the all have these deep blue eyes that change to brown as they get a bit older as you’ll see looking at the other cubs.