Brisbane .Net–Reality Check Wrap-up

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Tonight was the Brisbane .Net User Group where Dave was kind enough to introduce me.


There were so many options for what to show and talk about I had to step back and think that most people will not have even seen a HoloLens in the flesh before so went right back to basics. I’d done this quite a few times but on much smaller groups so that people can see and feel the device.


But how do you get as many people to have a go without having to explain everything to each person…show and tell. So while we taught Chris as the first volunteer we got everyone to practice some of the key gestures., and voice commands.


Next up HoloToolkit – and how to use a bunch of the prefabs and very little code to get a focus aware cursor, tap and voice commands going. I’m still trying to work out the best way to teach the tap gesture. It’s a really interesting one to watch people do and then try other things if they get it wrong the first time.

We also had a bit of play with Vuforia and the demo gods were against me. After it working flawlessly all day on the night it wasn’t having any of it on either their sample or my own app. Oh well.

Here’s a few of the links that people specifically asked about:

Buying the device (in Aus as opposed to US)

Companion App and how to get it to install outside of the US