9 July-Imagine Cup finalists, Bridge Climb and Women Innovators Dinner

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Today was the big day for the top 6 teams. Their final presentation to the panel of judges. It was an interesting morning watching all the cool solutions:

Taiwan – had created a device + software to monitor activity levels and sleep patterns to assist wearers to lose weight. One of the team told his story growing up as a fat kid and how it had effected his life and his journey to change.

Ukraine – have created a glove + software that allows the deaf to use sign language and then the glove + software processes the signs and translates to spoken words using text to speech to allow them to communicate with ordinary people.

Japan – had a very energetic presentation showing off their smart led lighting solution which would dim lights in parts of rooms that are well lit to save extra power.

New Zealand – had created a phone app + online software to allow the blind to take photos of items and get information back about colour / text etc from OCR, family/friends, crowdsourcing or other services to help them with their daily activities.

Portugal – created a kinect-enabled shopping cart to follow shoppers around the supermarket to allow the disabled to more easily go shopping.

Greece – created a kinect software suite to assist Alzheimer patients fight the progression of the disease through exercise and activities design to help them retain memories.


Later in the day I was lucky to get a ticket on the Sydney Bridgeclimb. I’d never done this before and the weather and time of day were absolutely perfect for our climb. The view is spectacular!


The evening was the Women Innovators Dinner.


Pip chaired a great panel of ladies and men who shared their stories for the audience.


Great to see so many females and males turn out to support such an event.

Tomorrow is the big day…we find out who will take out the Imagine Cup for 2012!